Our top 5 contributors will each receive the following goodies, gifts and giveaways:
1. An eMail Our Military 15-oz. ceramic coffee mug
2. The twitter tee of your choice from Eat, Sleep, Tweet
3. A ChoiceShirts.com gift certificate for 25% off their product(s)
4. An autographed copy of the new book Mrs. Lieutenant: A Sharon Gold Novel by Phyllis Zimbler Miller
5. A $30 gift certificate to use on Nancy's Mary Kay website (Products for men and women)
6. A $35 gift certificate for services from Tammy Munson of New Media VA
7. An autographed copy of the book "Ask Without Fear" by Marc A. Pitman
8. A 1 year membership to InspireMeToday.com (A $99 value) from Gail Goodwin
9. A guest post on TwitterStars as part of a 5 part series. A great way to promote your blog, website or business. All guest posts will be broadcast using Ping.fm and posted to 12 social media and bookmarking sites.
10. A case of Crunchy Chocolate Cookies from Whole Foods Market
11. Your product or service here for a great cause and great press!
Feeling a little competitive? Want to get in on the fun and help support our troops at the same time? Join the campaign today, the last day to participate is Aug. 18th!
You have your choice of adding money to the Operation Soldier Care ChipIn Widget (shown on our sidebar) or you can show support for our deployed troops by stepping up to the plate and buying a Mary Kay gift set. The choice is yours.
To purchase a gift set, click on this link to Nancy’s "Mary Kay Website" to buy the Satin Hands pampering gift sets http://tinyurl.com/5dmwq4. After putting in the number of sets you'd like to purchase, be sure to put the words "Operation Soldier Care" in the comment section at checkout. Your gift sets will be sent directly to the deployed service members.
Companies and Organizations
Got a product or service you'd like to contribute for our Top 5? Let us know by leaving a comment here with how we can reach you.
Thanks in advance for helping us help our troops!
[ Tags: Operation Soldier Care, Mary Kay, Nancy Sutherland, Phyllis Zimbler Miller, Sun Care, Skin Care, Iraq, Afghanistan, Eat Sleep Tweet, Marc Pitman, Mark Davidson, Tammy Munson, Gail Goodwin, TwitterStars, Twitter, Stars, Ask Without Fear, New Media VA, Inspire Me Today, @iAlbert, @NancyMK, @ZimblerMiller, Military Support, Messages of Support, Troop Support, Moral Support, eMail The Military, eMailing Our Military, Mail Our Military, Mailing Our Military, Mailing The Military, Military Care Packages, Military eMail, Military Pen Pals, Armed Forces, Army, Soldiers, Navy, Sailors, Air Force, Airmen, Marine Corps, Marines, Coast Guard, Guardsmen, Patriotism, eMOM, eMail Our Military ]
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