Whether you have a loved one serving or not, we've made it possible for you to send care packages to our troops with our Unknown Soldier Service. eMail Our Military has a confidential database of service members serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan (and across the globe) who could use a little love and some goodies from home. You even get to include a special message to the service member who'll receive your package!
Every care package you order gives back to the troops! You get a great discount, your service members get great packages and a portion of the proceeds come back to eMail Our Military so we can continue to support our troops. What could be better than that?
Just order the package you want to send use COUPON CODE: EMOM and Beyond Bookmarks and eMOM will take care of the rest.
Here's how:
Order your Patriot Pack by calling Beyond Bookmarks toll free at 1-866-746-5133. They're happy to take your order over the phone Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST. (Don't forget to use COUPON CODE: EMOM to get your 10% discount)
OR if you prefer to do it yourself online:
1. Add the Patriot Pack you'd like to send to your shopping cart and select soldier service from the drop down menu.
2. Add any add on items you'd like to include to your shopping cart.
3. Click checkout and add your gift tag message using the button to the right of your Patriot Pack that reads add gift tag message. (Don't forget to use COUPON CODE: EMOM to get your 10% discount)
4. Continue checkout as normal, but enter your address as the shipping address. Beyond will change this to the APO/FPO address of a soldier provided by eMail Our Military.
5. Choose USPS as your shipping carrier then select Priority Mail as your shipping method
If you get stuck of need a little help along the way just give the good folks at Beyond Bookmarks a call toll free at: 1-866-746-5133
Tweet us at: @MailOurMilitary and follow our blog feed at: @eMOMs
[ Tags: eMOM, eMail Our Military, Military Support, Troop Support, Supporting Our Troops, Messages of Support, eMail The Military, Military eMail, Armed Forces, Patriotism, Any Service Member Mail, Miami MilBlogger, South Florida Troop Support Organization, eMail Our Military Blog, Honor Duty eMail ]